Wednesday, October 23, 2013

An Interview with Christina Sotomayor

Here at Celebration Women we will be doing periodic interviews to introduce some of the amazing women who make up Celebration Church. Our first woman to be interviewed is Christina Sotomayor -- someone who very recently became part of Celebration Church and said, "Yes" to Jesus!  

Celebration Women: Christina, it's an honor to introduce you here on the blog today. We want to start by asking --when was your first time coming to Celebration Church or to a Celebration Women's Event?

Christina:  My First experience was the last Chick Chat that Pastor Deanna hosted. My friend Emilie Currie (soon-to-be Shrodes ) was telling me about her church. She thought I would enjoy it.

Celebration Women: What did you experience your first time? 

Christina: I remember thinking, "Wow, this isn't what I expected." In a good way of course. Mainly because it wasn't overly religious, in-your-face kind of way. I got to learn about a brave adoptee's life and many things I didn't not know about adoption. I immediately began to read Pastor Deanna's blog on Adoptee Restoration about her story. I was hooked.

Celebration Women: What drew you back?

Christina:  I wanted to know the rest of the story! Growing up, I have always been hesitant when it came to new churches because you never know what kind of messages they're sending and if your beliefs will be accepted. I knew from the first night that whatever secrets I may have had could be accepted and that I could let them go. One thing I learned on my first night was that we need more people to respond with not just "What are your going to do?" but "How can I help you?"

Celebration Women: When did you say "Yes" to Jesus, and what was that like? 

Christina: I said "Yes" on September 22nd. My faith was being tested and I had been holding in my emotions for far too long. My father has an illness that can only be fixed with surgery. Within minutes of being at church, I broke down. After listening to Ed and Kristy Frost's story that same day, it really hit close to home. So many things that they discussed were things I had been experiencing with my dad. I then realized that I needed to trust in God and that I needed to not only be strong for my father, but be strong for myself.

Celebration Women: What has your experience been like ever since?

Christina: My experience has been life changing. I almost feel lighter. I've gained new friends and new family by heart. I'm surrounded by those who want to learn just as much as I do. I'm looking forward to what God has in store for me.

Celebration Women: We are so blessed to have you in the Celebration Family, Christina! We love you.

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