Note from Pastor Deanna: For years, I prayed for a
retired pastor and pastor’s wife to come to Celebration. I had only shared this desire with a few ministry
friends, privately.
I wanted a couple who would be with us permanently --not just stopping by for a few months of healing. (We've had many
pastors and their families who were in need of healing or in transition become
a part of us for months or even a year or so, and we thank God for that. It's a
privilege to be part of someone's healing process.) I dreamed of a retired pastor/wife that would be planted and could be with us to support, serve, to understand.
In April of 2013, my husband called our church
to a 40 day fast. One of my personal
prayers was answered during the fast
when David and Mary Jenkins and their precious daughter Josie and grandson Hunter walked
into our church and became one of the best blessings to us, ever. I blogged about it, here.
To have another seasoned, loyal, rightly motivated
former senior pastor's wife who could be there as a support, in the same
church??? Pretty much a dream, right? I love it when God-dreams come true.
I am delighted to introduce Mary Jenkins today, for
those who have not met her, you’re in for a real treat. And for those who do
know her – you’ll just be twice blessed to hear from her heart today.
Celebration Women: Mary, when did you say “yes” to
Mary: As a young girl, I was always in church, so I don’t
know the specific time or date I asked Jesus in my heart. However, I believe I
was around 8 or 9 years old when I received the Holy Spirit.
Celebration Women: What is your favorite passage of
scripture, and why?
Mary: Psalm 23. Because at one point in my life I was
diligently seeking God to the point where I could not eat for weeks! In the
midst of my dilemma, a man of God told me to take the 23rd Psalm and
let it be my source of nourishment…three times a day, for breakfast, lunch and
As I began to do this, God spirit came in and comforted me and my
appetite slowly began to return. I realized later God was preparing me to enter
into full-time ministry with my husband.
Celebration Women: Tell us about your family…

Josie has an 11 and ½ year old son, my very handsome
and terrific grandson, Hunter Benjamin, who I affectionately call Hunner
Bunner, Hunner Bunce, or Hunt Bunt. I love my grandson!
Also, I have a very, very, very frisky five month old
beagle granddog. She is very pretty. Her name is Lucy, named after Lucille
Ball, of course! Ha ha ha!
Celebration Women: You and your husband David were
pastors for many years. Where were the churches you pastored?
Mary: We served as youth pastors in Baton Rouge, LA where Dave also helped build a new parsonage for the senior pastor and family. We also served as senior pastors in Farmington, NM, Vandalia,
OH, Tickfaw, LA and Dover, FL.
Even before, in-between and after pastoring we have
always been involved in the church, helping in any way that we

Since becoming a part of Celebration Church, I have started
teaching a toddler class and Dave teaches an adult life group. Pastor Deanna
has asked me to serve on one of the women's leadership teams in the coming year, and I am looking forward to that as well.
Dave and I have been married for 43 years, soon to be
44 years, December 27, 2013.
Celebration Women: What was the thing you most enjoyed
about pastoring a church?

Mary: The people…meeting the people and their families.
I enjoyed visiting them, helping them when we could, being a friend to them,
and praying with and for them. Although as a pastor’s wife I wore many hats
(playing the piano, singing, altar work, ladies ministry, and teaching classes
from nursery to teens) I would have to say I enjoyed teaching the first, second
and third graders most. I enjoyed the interaction when teaching them through
writing and memorizing scriptures, teaching lessons through
expressive talking, sketches, songs, toys, art work, puzzles, etc.
Celebration Women: What was the most difficult thing
for you, about pastoring?
Mary: Being away from my parents, family members, home
church and friends.
Celebration Women: If you could give one piece of
advice to your twenty year old self, from yourself now…what would it be?
Mary: Listening and trusting God more, and go with more
patience and perseverance.
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